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Member Action Alert

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

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DEP Public Meeting on American Aquafarms

As you may have heard, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection will hold a public meeting on American Aquafarms’ waste discharge applications on Thursday, October 28 from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM via Zoom. (Full notice, including Zoom link and call-in number, is below) This is a public meeting, not a formal public hearing. Here is the difference as explained by DEP Compliance & Procedures Specialist Kevin Martin:

“Public meetings are not subject to the procedural requirements of the Maine Administrative Procedure Act or the Department's hearing rules. The purpose is to collect comments that become part of the record in a pending action; however, persons commenting on the application are not under oath and there is no opportunity for cross-examination. So strictly speaking, persons are commenting rather than submitting testimony. Members of the public do have an opportunity to speak or submit written testimony, which is considered part of the record subject to consideration by the Department.” To help people prepare for the DEP meeting, FBU is hosting the first of what will become monthly information sessions the week before.

FBU Information Meeting on October 21

Join us on Thursday, October 21 at 5:30 PM to talk about the upcoming DEP meeting on American Aquafarms. We’ll discuss how to best approach the meeting, including the kinds of comments and questions that will be most effective. We also plan to have some area lobstermen join us to talk about their history fishing the bay and the concerns that they have about the threats posed by this industrial farm. We hope you can join us. Here is the Zoom link: Frenchman Bay United Informational Session

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 933 5270 6442 Find your local number:

DEP Public Meeting Notice Public Meeting on DEP review of proposed American Aquafarms net pen sites in Gouldsboro

The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) will conduct a Public Meeting on October 28, 2021 from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM via Zoom (

Meeting ID: 692 850 1126 Passcode: 4gWhZz or via CALL IN # 1-929-205-6099 Meeting ID: 692 850 1126 Passcode: 10856), pursuant to Organization and Powers M.R.S. 38 § 345-A (5), 06-096 C.M.R. ch. 2, § 8 (2018). The purpose of the meeting is to provide an opportunity to comment on the applications filed with the Department by American Aquafarms of 68 Commercial St., Portland, Maine 04101, (207) 405-7451. The Department’s review of and decision on these applications will also provide the basis for determination of the project’s consistency with applicable enforceable polices of the Maine Coastal Program (MCP) pursuant to Section 307 of the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA).

The applications are for two net pen arrays for the rearing of Atlantic salmon. The net pen arrays are proposed to be located off of Long Porcupine and Bald Rock islands in Frenchman’s Bay. Each net pen array is proposed to consist of 15 individual net pens along with a treatment and feeding barge. The combined primary-treated discharge from one array is proposed to be 2.05 billion gallons per day. The treated discharge from one array (treatment barge discharge) is proposed to be 0.18 million gallons per day.

The applications and other current project documentation are available for review at the Maine Department of Environmental Protection's website A copy of the applications and supporting documentation may also be seen at the municipal office in Gouldsboro, Maine. Information regarding the MCP and CZMA consistency review is available at:

Comments on this project may also be sent to

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