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Guest column: Maine needs tighter regulations to preserve its aquaculture industry

Updated: Aug 25, 2021

By Jerilyn Bowers

In his recent guest column (“Wealthy landowners attempting rule change threatens Maine’s working waterfront,” The Times Record, April 21), Sebastian Belle is quick to lay blame on a “few wealthy landowners” for “attacking the many who make their living on the water.” While that scenario makes for good theater, it is nothing more than a clever attempt to distract you from the facts.

So let’s do as Mr. Belle suggests and “get the record straight” by reviewing some facts:

· Over the last 15 years, rules and regulations governing Maine’s aquaculture industry have been radically changed. Those changes include: Increasing the maximum number of acres that can be leased by an entity from 250 acres to 1,000; Increasing the length of a lease from 10 years to 20; Allowing for the transfer of a lease from one entity to another without a public hearing.

Read the full piece in the Portland Press Herald:

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